A joyful clash, a hushed lullaby, a sudden boom, a sweet serenade--life's a symphony. This is our soundtrack.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Oops! Check Back in a Few Days!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2009!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Happy #9
On our anniversary proper (October 16th) we had a family gathering at Jason's Deli. Mia had avocado, Nate had grilled cheese, and the lovebirds had Ciabatta 'Bello & Ciabatta Bing! sandwiches. Then we went to Circuit City to buy my present--a new digital camera, the Canon Sureshot. Did I mention we needed a new digital camera since Nate dropped ours on the floor last week? Now it just makes a weird grinding sound when it's turned on. What is the traditional gift for the ninth year anyway? Oh, Wiki says it's pottery or china. We're always ones to buck the establishment. ;)
On Friday (taking advantage of the Parent's Night Out program at Grace Point church) we had our date night. We started with joint massages at Spa d'Sante. It was quite rejuvenating! The masseuse came in, looked at my back and said, "I can see your knots from up here!" Jason's masseuse looked over and said, "It's not good when your knots TALK!" I had a massage when Mia was 3 months old and the masseur (Oscar) said, "What happened to your shoulders? Were you in an accident?" I am tense in my shoulders. After being rubbed down, we walked next door to Syn Sushi a new robata & sushi bar in town. We loved it. They had just been reviewed by the Express-News and were very excited to showcase their wares. Check out the names of the rolls we sampled: Fallen Angel, Tiger Eye and Sexy Red Devil. It was a nice evening--almost like our life BC.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"Beautiful Noise" Full Lyrics
What a beautiful noise
Comin up from the street
Got a beautiful sound
Its got a beautiful beat
Its a beautiful noise
Goin on everywhere
Like the clickety-clack
Of a train on a track
Its got a rhythm to spare
Its a beautiful noise
And its sound that I love
And its fit me as well
As a hand in a glove
Yes it does, yes it does
What a beautiful noise
Comin up from the park
Its the song of the kids
And it plays until dark
Its the song of the cars
On their furious flights
But theres even romance
In the way that they dance
To beat of the lights
Its a beautiful noise
And its a sound that I love
And it makes me feel good
Like a hand in a glove
Yes it does, yes it does
What a beautiful noise
Its a beautiful noise
Made of joy an of strife
Like a symphony played
By a passing parade
Its the music of life
What a beautiful noise
Comin up to my room
And its beggin for me
Just to give it a tune
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Men in Trees (or suburban fences)

As a perfect cap to the weekend, Jason took Nate on his errand to Home Depot Saturday morning. Not only did Nate get to jump on and off the tractors, but they were conducting a Kid's Project Workshop while they were there--a fire truck! Jason got to help Nate assemble the pre-cut firetruck pieces with a real hammer & nails. The truck even came with a whistle and Nate got to keep his personalized Home Depot apron! Nate thought he was quite the big boy!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Return from Mississippi
The days were filled with slow wake-ups on the porch with a cup of coffee--Nate reading books or playing with tractors, watching Nate pedal his little 12" bike with training wheels all over the campground (especially on the volleyball court), swimming in the creek (he made it down the big slide a couple of times this year with Daddy), singing songs with the other preschoolers, hunting for frogs with the other boys and girls after dark (thanks for the frog-huntin' flashlight, Sandy!), feeding the cows (#68 found him again this year), and playing in the dirt. He's starting to remember the cousins and faces he met last year. Jason was able to join us again for the last four days (after the Step 2--another national licensing test). He made it to both Nathaniel's and Amelia's first Campmeetings.
The Campmeetin' experience was a little different for me this year--with two kids on two schedules, there wasn't quite as much time to chat, walk the loop, and generally flit about. Amelia is still feeding once or twice in the night (she actually adapted very well), so I was pretty tired during the day because of the interrupted slumber. Nate, Amelia and I shared a room. Nate was up on the top bunk, thinking he was pretty big stuff. He loved sharing the room with Mom and Amelia. He checked on his sister every night before climbing up to bed. Like I said, there weren't as many late nights chatting with the cousins on the porch; but I made it off the rope swing for the third year in a row and managed to polish of a bag of boiled peanuts or two after the sun went down! And, Alas! There was no blueberry picking this year. The drought in the area really hit hard and the nephew of the uncle who lets us pick (gleam) his leftover crop was going to be lucky to get one harvest. Oh well. I'm not sure when we would have fit it in anyway.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let this slideshow sum up the rest of the trip...
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
DID YOU KNOW? "Mississippi" is the second song on Bob Dylan's 2001 album "Love and Theft