Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lazy Days of Summer!

Whew!  I was starting to wonder if we'd ever get there!  We've been going pretty fast this summer with EEE Summer Academy, Little Tiger Swim Lessons, our road trip to Colorado, and the annual 4th of July visit from the Breyens. Well, we said goodbye this morning. I was a little sad that they left on Saturday after only 2.5 days; but, on the flip side, it was nice to have a free day with nothing planned.

We lazed around in our jammies until after lunch, then got dressed to go to the library to turn in Nate's and Amelia's completed summer reading sheets for the "Dig Into Reading" summer reading program.  Amelia got a free book, "Zero Is the Leaves on the Tree."  Nate got a nice library tote bag. Thank goodness!  He can start pulling his weight by carrying his own books now. ;)

Here are pictures of the kids on the library display with their traveling gnomes--in the Colorado Rockies, at the Air Force Academy and with a new friend in Colorado Springs!  

I had to laugh...I couldn't find Nate for about 10 minutes at the library. I thought maybe he'd went upstairs to the adult area looking for Rainforest books (for a new habitat area he and Jason are making for their zoo diorama).  I found him sneaking down a quiet aisle to read "Captain Underpants" books.  He knows how I feel about that series and didn't think I'd let him check them out to bring them home!  For the record, he did bring two CU books home. And, yes, that did lead to the inevitable question, "Mom, what's a wedgie?"  Of course, I think the best way to answer that question is through a demonstration. So, I gave Nate his first wedgie. I'm pretty sure that will come back to haunt me. ;)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Real Life"

First Stop: Library. Oops!  It's too early to turn in our summer reading lists. But we're done. It's pretty easy to log hours on a roadtrip!  Nate did find a new Jack Prelutsky book, "Stardines" with more "Scranimals" and "Umbrellephant"-like creations. We enjoy his work along those lines. 

Power yoga with Amy Pescaglia at Wilsons's Forum today (the kid's love the playscape in the Kid Center). I love her class. It's reminiscent of Melinda's style in Okinawa when I first fell in love with the practice of yoga.  Oh, and for the record, I'm rocking the fore-arm stand these days!!  A development definitely due to Amy's positive encouragement. 

Home for a play date with Elliot. Both boys were excited because Elliot rode his bike over (by himself). I suppose they're getting to be that age!  The kids found a turtle at the creek in back, jumped on the trampoline, worked on Nate's fish PowerPoint show, played piano, ate a snack, rode bike and had a bay-blade battle (all in two-and-a-half hours!)!

Nate got his first stripe on his new green belt at taekwondo. (Since we were gone all week, he just received his belt last night!)  He was happy because he was FINALLY able to surprise me since I wasn't there. For the first time, I didn't stay to watch Nate. I dropped him off and Amelia and I went grocery shopping in preparation for the Breyen's visit tomorrow.  

Oh, and Amelia fell asleep studying Ninjago. Hah!  The joys of having an older brother!  :)