Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy #9

Happy Anniversary to us! We celebrated nine years of marital bliss yesterday. We made no grand plans, but actually ended up with a week-long celebration. We started with an impromptu Neil Diamond concert on Sunday (the 12th). We scored free tickets to see the "Jewish Elvis Presley" from friends of the family. Our neighbor, Rose, watched the kiddos. Neil still rocks! He played all my favs: "Forever in Blue Jeans," "America," "Sweet Caroline," "Kentucky Woman," "Holly Holy," and of course the inspiration for this blog, "It's a Beautiful Noise." The next day, Jason gave me a bouquet of a dozen red roses and a dozen yellow roses (for his "Yellow Rose of Texas"). Maybe he listened to the lyrics when Neil sang, "You Don't Bring Me Flowers!" I was able to enjoy the flowers all week.

On our anniversary proper (October 16th) we had a family gathering at Jason's Deli. Mia had avocado, Nate had grilled cheese, and the lovebirds had Ciabatta 'Bello & Ciabatta Bing! sandwiches. Then we went to Circuit City to buy my present--a new digital camera, the Canon Sureshot. Did I mention we needed a new digital camera since Nate dropped ours on the floor last week? Now it just makes a weird grinding sound when it's turned on. What is the traditional gift for the ninth year anyway? Oh, Wiki says it's pottery or china. We're always ones to buck the establishment. ;)

On Friday (taking advantage of the Parent's Night Out program at Grace Point church) we had our date night. We started with joint massages at Spa d'Sante. It was quite rejuvenating! The masseuse came in, looked at my back and said, "I can see your knots from up here!" Jason's masseuse looked over and said, "It's not good when your knots TALK!" I had a massage when Mia was 3 months old and the masseur (Oscar) said, "What happened to your shoulders? Were you in an accident?" I am tense in my shoulders. After being rubbed down, we walked next door to Syn Sushi a new robata & sushi bar in town. We loved it. They had just been reviewed by the Express-News and were very excited to showcase their wares. Check out the names of the rolls we sampled: Fallen Angel, Tiger Eye and Sexy Red Devil. It was a nice evening--almost like our life BC.

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