The cousins--a rare outside shot during their rainy spring break visit!
So...my sister needed an escape from the northern Minnesota winter. It's been exceptionally cold this year (even starting while we were up there this fall). She wanted to go anywhere where the kids could run outside and she could get a few rays of sun. After several "first choices" fell through, they settled on Texas. (Which is always fine by me!) Not only was it a vacation; but it was a road trip spanning nearly the entire length of I-35 from Northern MN to South TX in a minivan with the family of 5 (3 kids five-and-under)!
Who wouldn't want to come visit this family? ;)
Luckily, their first stop was North Padre. They got 2 1/2 days in the sun & surf. They arrived here in San Antonio on Tuesday afternoon. The three hours before dinner was the only time we made it outside. They brought the RAIN! I told them it was an unfortunate time to visit, when the majority of the city is praying for rain. Seriously, in our church bulletin the Sunday prior there was a block of bold letters, "Pray for Rain!" But, if you're going to have rain on your vacation, I'd rather have it be in a two-story house with cousins than in a crowded hotel room! Of course, the kids were fine...they found plenty of ways to entertain themselves...
They drew pictures and wrote messages on the easel...
Nate & Adam just brought their truck & car play inside!
These 3 played dress-up for hours w/"parades" after each costume change...

Nate's "funny glasses"

Jason made personal pizzas with the kids for dinner one night!
Amelia with her lovey, "Kitty." She kept herself entertained just by watching the commotion all week!
The night they got in, Jason and I high-fived them then rushed out the door for game #3 of his Spurs package. It was my turn to accompany him! They beat the Charlotte Bobcats in an exciting fourth quarter. Jason is 3 for 3 (attendance-to-victory ratio). Our section was chosen as the spirit section so we made it on the jumbo tron. Oh, during half-time we went to Fan Fiesta since Jason challenged me to a shooting contest. Lo and behold, the claddaugh ring from my other hand flew off while I was shooting. They had to stop the game to retrieve it from behind the net, but at least I got this one back! (I really need to get my rings re-sized!)
Date night at the game & partying in the Spurs locker room afterwards... yeah right!
The rest of the 2 1/2 days was spent playing dress up & exhibiting their fashions in parades through the house, walks to the neighborhood park in between drizzles, and miscellaneous outdoor patio fun--bubbles & trucks (again, while it wasn't drizzling). We did venture to the Magik Children's Theatre downtown to see, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" on-stage. The kids loved it.
Wes prepping the kids with a pre-show reading of the children's classic.
The choo-choo train through the mud puddles on the way to the theater.
Amelia at the show
Oh, we had a "Burger Birthday Bash" for Nate & Ashley while they were here. Both kids have birthdays the end of March--Nate is officially 10 days older than Ashley. We had a burger burn, sang "Happy Birthday" with this awesome burger & fries cake from WM and exchanged gifts. Nate got a shark shirt and some shark Hotwheels from his cousins.
And, alas, all good things must end! Time for the good-byes:

A shark hug for Anna
A bear hug for Anna
Bye-bye Ashley!
A Mia mauling!
By the way, Nate's still telling his jokes. This morning he quipped, "Mmmmmm, this breakfast is "toasty!" I served raisin toast with peanut butter.
Amelia thinks Nate is hilarious!
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