The Sunday started of with a 6:00 wake up for Jason on his way to a case. Yes, he was on call this weekend. Not only was he on call, but he had a hellacious weekend...averaging about 3.5 hours of sleep each night.
When Jason got home, the kids were excited and ready to start the festivities, but J was ready for a nap! I read a little "Tom Sawyer" to the kids (we're in the middle of our annual summer classics read-a-thon, and just finished "Black Beauty") and we played downstairs until lunch.
Then, it was time--glo-bowling at Lazer Lanes (free bowling all summer at and dinner at Flat Branch for a green chili beer and before burger (my absolute favorite combo in town!)! When we got home, Jason opened a few presents ("Geek Dad" book for activities with the kids, neon running shirts, a few polos, and lots of homemade cards!). The night ended with Butter Pecan ice cream and a BIG SPURS WIN in the 2013 NBA finals!!
A great day! (And J even stayed awake for MOST of it!!)