Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

We had one of "those" days today...where the schedule looked like a Tetris puzzle--each little piece firing just perfectly for the next event.

First item of the day: meet our new doctor at Univ of Missouri Family Medicine Clinic. I think Dr, Wang will be a good fit for our family. She listened to my concerns about the kids' diets.  Amelia complaining, "My tummy hurts!" daily...usually 5,6,7 times a day. And Nate's tummy troubles. She also knew about Nate's recent testing and diagnosis from reviewing his chart before the appointment (gasp!...I know!).  I'd be even more excited about finding a great doctor if I knew I was going to be here for more than a year. 

Local eggs, produce and almond milk at Natural Grocers. Razor blades for Jason...Seriously?  $23.99 for disposable blades?!

Pick Nate up from EEE and drive directly to MU Coping Skills Training--a study that God just placed in my lap.  We'll get coping skills training, free parking, free babysitting for Amelia while we're participating in the study and $10 each session for filling out our questionnaire?!  Hmmm...yes, please!

Flat Branch Brew Pub for green chili beer and to sup before Family Fun Fest. This month's theme was outdoor fun--our favorite one. There were lots of posters, information on wildlife, games, some animals and Wildheart (one of our favorite local kids bands). Amelia got a stuffed puppy when she signed up for summer Girl Scouts by mail!

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